Saturday, November 1, 2014

It's the Churches Problem...

If we could get into a time-machine back to the first century church in its purity, what would we see? Would we see it doing works other than preaching and teaching the Gospel? In modern times would we see social needs like the Lung Association, the American Heart Association, the Red Cross, even the good works of Wounded Warriors for our Veterans being a priority of the church? By this, is societies problems the churches problem? The New Testament teaches a much different way of life and purpose as a disciple of Jesus Christ. These few scriptures give us a glimpse into the first century purpose of the church that still holds today.

Luke 6:22,  Blessed by God are you for teaching Christ when rejected and even considered vile!

Acts 8:1-4,  The teaching of the Gospel occurs when one is being persecuted.

Acts 13:1-5,  Leaving the comfort of the church at Antioch (your home church), the Holy Spirit sends disciples out to foremost teach and preach the Gospel.

Acts 13:46-49,  Apostle Paul shows us how to be bold in the Gospel with the prime purpose of spreading it.

There is no clue in these few scriptures (there are many more) that benevolence alone is enough.

There exists a disconnect from the sole purpose of the Lords church among many religious movements and denominations. The reason I bring this up is we so often see people in the body of Christ getting wrapped up into many good works to help social mankind, forgetting to teach the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Food kitchens, the Salvation Army and the like are not the church. They are social networks of benevolence that have grown out of the need to supply help and welfare to the down trodden, the homeless and many other real needs. These are very noble and much needed avenues of help. And Jesus did say to find our cross and put others first and serve them with our talents, resources and prayerful support.

“Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all, especially to those who are of the household of faith.”   Galatians 6:10

But when the church is established in the book of Acts just 5 weeks after Jesus ascended into heaven, we learn that the priority of the church from this point forward is to teach and preach the Gospel.

The point is, are you while doing benevolent works outside your local church body, teaching the Gospel to those you come in contact with? If you are not teaching the Gospel, then one can hardly be pleasing to God in these works outside the body of Christ for not taking advantage of the situation God has put you in to glorify Him. Are you making disciples in the ways Jesus commanded while participating in these good works? (Matt 28:19-20)

Good works are necessary in ones walk with the Lord as it produces godly character and shows yourself in front of the world and your brethren as one approved by Jesus (James 1:12). This so long as one is verbally proclaiming His name to people i.e: attributing the blessings you bestow to the ones you are helping in the name of Jesus Christ. We must be willing to actually say the name of Christ out loud to everyone we come in contact with in His behalf or all the good works in the world will be of no credit under your name in the book of life. Its by Gods grace through the proclamation of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and His resurrection do we have a chance to live with God forever. This not through the filling of his stomach or the sheltering of his family just to be helping out. But by attending to the soul of mankind through teaching the Gospel during these times of trouble of souls you encounter.

This is the primary focus of the Lords church of Christ. To be the voice of Jesus calling to the world to be healed of sin, not social ills.

Click this player to listen to a podcast on what the Original Church looked like.

Baptism in water isn’t a work of man.


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