The Christian life is not always a life of clear sailing. Every disciple will have bad days once in a while, no matter how faithful they may be. Most Christians understand that Jesus isn't just: "a good times only Savior." He is with us when things are going great, and He is with us during our bad days as well. When hard times hit, He doesn't disappear saying, "I'll only come back when you get it all right and completely worked out." Though challenged by various trials, one must believe that God is faithful and will be with us through every season of life.
The inspired apostle Paul writes,
"We have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellence of the power may be of God, and not of us." 2 Corinthians 4:7
The treasure Paul refers to is the knowledge and presence of Jesus Christ in the disciples life.
The Greek word for earthen vessel is, "our body which is made from frail clay," meaning "weak, easily broken, easily tempted." He is saying, "though our bodies are weak, easily tempted and easily broken at times, still, we hold the very presence of Jesus in these earthly bodies."
The fact is, at certain times we have all suffered from what the Bible calls "infirmities." For many, a common infirmity is a frail constitution or poor health. Paul spoke of Timothy's frequent illnesses, calling them "often infirmities." The Greek word infirmity here means "sickly, without strength, feeble of body or mind."
Jesus said,
" Father will love him, and we will come to him, and we will make our lodging with him."
John 14:23
"I in them and You in Me, that they may be perfected..."
John 17:23
Be encouraged and believe these promises. The disciple who will believe and simply have a childlike Faith in Gods Word, is the one who carries the very presence of Jesus Christ in their earthen vessel. If you are not yet a disciple of Jesus Christ, may we encourage you to continue studying Gods Word the Bible to learn how to possess the gift of His grace and strength in the Holy Spirit of God in your life.