Monday, July 20, 2015

Gods Great Love For Us Series

An expose’ on the life of the God-man

The Love of God for mankind, His greatest creation is mind boggling once one begins to understand His devotion to draw us back to Him. Whether you are a Christian or an Atheist or somewhere in between, you have heard that old story about Gods only Son (Jesus) coming to earth in the form of man to proclaim the gospel of the Kingdom of Heaven. This kingdom He spoke about we are told is not of this world but in the spiritual world – it is Jesus’ Father’s house not made with hands (2 Cor. 5:1). Okay I understand this is beyond comprehension among non-believers because I used to be an atheist and full well know the religion of non-belief. Yes believe it or not, atheists have religion though my earthly father being a devout atheist would never admit it, but he could never debunk it either. His and my religion at the time was just void of God but religion nonetheless.

Fortunately Christians, that is, disciples that live the life bearing their personal cross day by day walking in the light of the Spirit do not possess religion. They possess a faith that is deeply seeded in their initial grounding based upon Jesus Christ’s death on the cross, His burial and resurrection from the dead 3 days later. And they consummate their love and allegiance to the Savior by obeying the Gospel through repentance of sin, by confession of Christ as Savior, and burial in baptism by faith into Christ for the forgiveness of their sins. These few have wisely met Jesus at the cross and in faith rely only on His shed blood to cleanse and save them on the day of judgement.

This 6 part series on Gods Great Love For Us is presented for the edification of the saints, and the education of seekers of God that He may grant them eternal life upon their obedience too. It covers the life of Jesus from His miraculous conception in Mary to His resurrection. I know, as I mentioned earlier, you have heard the story before. But have you heard it in a way that brings Christ to the forefront as both a human being, and God? Have you realized that under certain situations, He and His earthly parents actually had to deal with both His human and divine natures all the way to the cross 33 years later? Mom and step-Dad’s relationship with their son was truly unique.

Questions are posed in this series that we can relate to in everyday life what Jesus, the God-man faced as a human also. He shows us the way to God who is Love and Spirit. And the most interesting question – “When did Jesus realize He was God in the flesh?” This series will help you to see many aspects of His life on earth you might find very interesting and compelling. And we have added the narrated versions below for your convenience. Find a bible you can make notes in, and spend some time in Gods word to learn about the greatest story ever told, the greatest life ever lived…

With love in Christ
Scriptures Weekly

1) Gods Great Love For Us (text)

click to play

2) Gods Great Love Among Us (text)

click to play

3) Gods Great Love Pursues Us (text)

click to play

4) Gods Great Love Fellowships With Us (text)

click to play

5) Gods Great Love Breaks Bread With Us (text)

click to play

6) Gods Great Love Dies For Us (text)

click to play

Baptism in water isn’t a work of man.


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