Wednesday, September 29, 2021

Resurrection Evidence.

7 proofs of the Resurrection:

1. Jesus really existed and died in history.

2. The empty tomb was verified by the guards who reported to the chief Jewish priests of such, and without proof the priests offered them large sums of money to keep quiet, and if asked to tell people Jesus disciples stole the body. If the body was stolen, how long do you think this lie would take to be revealed? A huge lie especially one like this would eventually be revealed by somebody with or around the disciples. No body has been unearthed for nearly 2000 years!

3. The disciples saw Jesus after his resurrection and were willing to die for the fact. And they changed their centuries old prior beliefs worshipping on the sabbath Saturday to worshipping on the first day of the week Sunday, the day Jesus rose from the dead. They celebrated the Lords supper on the first day of the week as we do today until he comes again. And they taught baptism for the remission of sins in place of sacrificial circumcision. The disciples would never have manufactured the resurrection account.

4. The doubting disciple Thomas needed physical proof of seeing the imprint of the nails in Jesus hands and the scar in his side to believe. After he touched the risen Jesus in these areas of his body he called him my Lord and my God! And over 500 other witnesses saw the risen Jesus for 40 days.

5. Most all modern day non believing New Testament scholars agree the resurrection of Jesus occurred in history. It cannot be refuted.

6. Early first century historians attest to the fact of the resurrection of Jesus.

7. Apostle Paul’s reporting of the resurrection to the Corinthians, 1 Corinthians 15:3-8, our earliest historical writing within months of Jesus ascension to Heaven.

Why do we believe? Because we believe in the record of scripture. Why do we believe the Bible? Because the Spirit of God has not only given us faith in Christ, but faith in scripture. We haven’t seen the risen Christ, but we have experienced the risen Christ by his power and his presence. We weren’t argued into believing the Bible, we were led by divine power into believing the Bible. We walk by faith, not by sight. He is risen and reigns at the right hand of the Father today and forever.


Monday, May 17, 2021

The Heart of God - Holy Spirit Studies

The Holy Spirit is the third person of the Godhead we read about in the Bible. Some call the Holy Spirit an "it" when in fact He is a person. A personality of God and the "Helper" of God given to those who have by faith put Jesus Christ on in water baptism (Acts 2:38, Rom 6:3-4, Gal 3:27). The Holy Spirit actually takes residence in the disciples soul here on Earth...

Our Lord Jesus condemned the leaders of Israel for attributing the works of the Holy Spirit to Satan, and in the modern Pentecostal movement of today, the reverse is occurring where works of the devil are being attributed to the Holy Spirit.  It’s a very sad insult, a grief to the Holy Spirit and in some cases even a blasphemy of the Holy Spirit.

When we worship God, we worship the triune God, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.  Somehow, the Holy Spirit has been trailing behind in terms of emphasis when, the Holy Spirit is the member of the Godhead most personally, and intimately involved in the life of a disciple. 

The Holy Spirit is responsible for three marvelous ministries in the disciples life:

First, the ministry of regeneration.  He gave us life.

Secondly, the ministry of sanctification.  It is He who increasingly conforms us to the image of Christ.

Thirdly, the ministry of security.  He secures us until that final ministry of glorification when as the Spirit raised Christ from the dead (Rom 8:11), He raises the saints up into glory.

The Holy Spirit understands our flesh, understands our weakness, understands temptation. When they came to arrest Jesus, He wouldn’t let them arrest the disciples because the Scripture needed to be fulfilled that none of them would defect, and so they were never going to be in a position where defection would happen.  It’s a securing that is not simply a stated fact. It is a securing fact that is a constant work by the intercession of the Son and the Spirit. The Holy Spirit yearns and waits for our final glory. This is the heart of God.

We hope you can spend some time reacquainting with the Holy Spirit, learning of His character and His ministry to the Saints today through the word. We have offered these video lessons for your consideration.


Baptism in water isn’t a work of man.


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